Kindness takes work. Sometimes, a lot of work. Because it's important to me to respond with kindness, I often put myself on pause.
I bring this up today because today marks the beginning of change in my country, the United States of America. Whether you like it or not, whether you are for it or not, change is coming. In response to any change, you (and I) will find ourselves in situations where the frightened, cynical people want to tell us 'how it is'. Heck, we may even have to fight the frightened, cynical voices in our heads.
Although it's tempting, verbal violence is not kindness.
The best way to deal with frightened people is to pause before responding. Remember that this person is frightened. They don't know how the future will unfold so they only see darkness.
Then respond.
Practice pausing when in conversations with friends. Make it a habit before you say, 'yes' to anything in your life.
You'll be glad you did.
Simply Kind Blogroll
A Touch of Inspiration
By the light of the Moon
Confessions of a Middle-Aged Suburban Diva
Kim Smith
Miss Riss
Mom’s Musings
Not a Mean Girl
Popping Bubbles
Remote Treechanger
Waiting 4 the news