How are your Sunflowers blooming?

1 min read

At the desk, 8:23 a.m.

The sunflowers are just starting their festival of color in my neighborhood. This particular flower is one we planted (secretly) in our neighbors yard. Isn't it gorgeous?

How are your Sunflowers growing?

We're still sending out sunflowers seeds around North America. Would you like a packet of free Sunflower seeds?  Click the link. (If you're waiting on seeds, I'm getting them together to mail out today!)

Sunflowers are native to the United States. Their sunny faces provide 2,000-3,000 individual flowers for bees, bats, butterflies, and hummingbirds to gain protein (pollen) and nectar (carbohydrate) from. They are the best and easiest way we can support these pollinators. And you can do it for free! :) -----