Chain letter.

1 min read

I received this chain letter from my friend Betty and thought I should share it.

The Chain Letter We've Been Waiting For by Nora Ephron

Dear  Friends,

This chain letter was started in hopes of bringing  relief to tired and discouraged women.? Just send a copy of this letter  to five of your female friends who are equally tired and discontented.  Then bundle up the man in your life, send him to the woman whose name  appears at the top of the following list, and add your name to the  bottom of the list.

When your turn comes, you will receive  15,625 men. One of them is bound to be better than the one you already  have.

At the writing of this letter, a friend of mine had  already received 184 men, all of whom were better than the sad ex ample  she started out with.

An unmarried woman living with her widowed  mother was able to choose between a Chippendale dancer and an Olympic  swimmer. You can be lucky, too, but DO NOT BREAK THE  CHAIN!
One woman broke the chain and got her own husband  back!

So let's keep it going, ladies! Just add your name and  address to the list below:

Laura  Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC
