Me and Kobayashi Maru - Thoughts on writing - guest post by Christopher Geoffrey McPherson I've asked a few of my friends to share their thoughts on writing. Christopher Geoffrey McPherson is the author of the James Murray
I got tired of listening to myself talk... That's what happened here. I was totally ON the writing thing, but I got tired of listening to myself talk. Sorry. I needed
Writing #20 - Forget about "them"! Forget about "them"! Have you ever noticed how everyone talks about "them"? You know what I mean, those guys --the ones
Writing #19 - How authors die or dead author's club How Authors Die I bet you've never thought of it, have you? We know that many great musicians die at the age of
Typepad has been down... In the middle of my 30 days on writing, Typepad went down for the first time in something like 10 years. Gaah! There's
Writing #18 : Why should I? Because you can! Why should I? Because you can! Why should I spend my nights and weekends working on a story? Why should I read Strunk and White
Hey, I didn't post on writing today because of a DDOS strike at Typepad. I know. I know. I just talked about the serious awesomeness of Typepad - and why we left Wordpress. But get this. Typepad had some
Writing #17 : The writer's cloak is woven from threads of shame and humiliation. "Humiliation is not, of course, unique to writers. However, the world of letters does seem to offer a near-perfect microclimate for embarrassment and shame.
Writing #16 : How to not be a lonely writer Being alone but not lonely A few days ago, I wrote Writing is a lonely life, talking about the challenge of the lonely, workaholic life
Writing #15 : Best way to reset your day? Take a nap Best way to reset your day? Take a nap! We've all had that experience. The day is cruising along. One stress leads to
Writing #14 : Writing is a lonely life Writing is a lonely life "I wish that I could write fulltime!" People often say to me. "Why?" I always ask.