We are the same -- you and I -- at least 99% the same We share 99% of the same genetics. Not similar. Not kind of a like. The very same genes. The extra fluff is the stuff is
Protecting human rights "Human rights" is an idea that hasn't been around for very long. Out of the ashes of the Holocast and World
60 days to Peace - catching up. Mimi Lenox asked me to write about Peace for sixty days. I've been keeping up on Facebook. However, I know that a lot
You are here. There's no question -- the war mongers are war mongering this summer. In almost every community, some insanity threatens to tear the fabric
Get your write on: A few questions for fiction author Dan McNeil I thought it might be fun and interesting to talk to writers about what they write and how they get their write on. Dan McNeil,
And where have you been? So this guy showed up... And I was like - WHO ARE YOU? Then these guys showed up... And that's my story. I&
Alex talks... How do you deal with your physical and mental pain? Claudia here: One of the most common questions I get for Alex is about pain. How does Alex handle all the pain she must deal
Reading list 2014 Claudia is a voracious reader. She also listens to books on tape while she works out. She started keeping track of what she was reading
Leap >>Looks like this image was lost in the recent outage - sorry. May you take that leap of faith this week! Happy Monday!
Me and Kobayashi Maru - Thoughts on writing - guest post by Christopher Geoffrey McPherson I've asked a few of my friends to share their thoughts on writing. Christopher Geoffrey McPherson is the author of the James Murray
I got tired of listening to myself talk... That's what happened here. I was totally ON the writing thing, but I got tired of listening to myself talk. Sorry. I needed