Nightmare. I've been having nightmares and night terrors again. They are nothing that you would think was scary. No monsters. No horrible acts. Rarely
Confirmation. I just received confirmation that fairies and tiny wee people exist! It's true! Somehow I got on the tiny people email list. Why
Unconscious Mutterings: Week 265 1. Chemical :: Addiction 2. Poker :: Player 3. Federal :: Assistance Program 4. Mattress :: Soft 5. Who am I? :: Today 6. Investigation :: at hand 7. In good
Breast augmentation gone wrong. This tattoo artist had breast augmentation for the tattoo on his calf.? You'll be shocked to learn that his body rejected the implants
Beautification program. Yes, the scenery in Denver just improved by one hunking Swedish notch. Peter Forsberg returns to Denver. -----
Monday Meme Rhonda, nee Chuck, at Foster me up! invited me to join a Meme Mondays. The idea is that you save your meme's and
Questions about ghosties. I realized that I have a few more questions to answer by the end of the month! Yikes! Time to get busy answering a few
Unconscious Mutterings: Week 264 I have some fascination with these Unconscious mutterings - mine and yours. Here's mine for this week: 1. Protocol :: for life. 2. Girlfriends
Marine + Iraq = Dog Since I started the week with a sad Marine, I thought I would end it with a cool Marine story. Marine Maj. Brian Dennis, 36
Shock me. You probably saw this article. I had to share it because when I read it, I laughed my ass off. >>>> Survey
Hotel Clerk. "How long have you been back?" I ask. "A year," he says. His face holds confusion as if I know something
What are you going to do? This morning, I woke with a familiar question on my mind: "What are you going to do today with what you have been given?