This too shall pass - Surviving Serial Fiction I see you. You're overwhelmed and feel hopeless. You're feel like you're on the road to nowhere. It'
5 ways to make your serial fiction more readable for your distracted audience - Surviving Serial Fiction 5 ways to make your serial fiction more readable The world has changed. Your readers have ten things they could be doing besides reading your
[Surviving Serial Fiction] ...and then, everything falls apart ...and then everything falls apart. Your story was going great. Your characters were running the show. Sure, your life was getting a little out of
[Surviving Serial Fiction] Super Ninja Trick for getting your writing mood on - It's happened to all of us. We set aside time to write. We arrange for babysitters for our children. We rent a motel
Ask Alex: How do you manage pain, Alex? This article originally appeared in Claudia's newsletter. To subscribe, click here. First things first: Quite a few of you have written to ask
The mad skills of serial fiction - #1 - Type Fast, my friend! - Surviving Serial Fiction Claudia's traveling this week, so there is currently no audio for this post. Type Fast, my friend! Now that we've dealt
Reading list 2015 This year, due to Rose's illness, I've spent most of my time listening to audiobooks rather than actually reading. I'
"So, effectively, making money in the arts is and always has been something that happens to almost no one." Doctorow on #writing and #income In our trip across the country, I happened to see Cory Doctorow on CSPAN Book TV in the lobby of a hotel. That's
[Surviving Serial Fiction] tools of the trade George's calendars learning to type fast Todoist 2. Keep track of what's next 5. Nothing happens ways to get your nap
[Surviving Serial Fiction] Help! Life's attacking! Help! Life is attacking! After the first post, a number of serial fiction authors have let me know that they needed help right now. I
The state of publishing 2015 (This article was originally posted in my newsletter - Claudia's Corner. You can sign up for the newsletter by clicking here.) What the
New year, new passwords Time to change your passwords! It's a new year, so it's time to change your passwords. I know it seems crazy,