As we are. ? "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." --Anais Nin ? Happy Monday! -----
As we are. ? "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." --Anais Nin ? Happy Monday! -----
FYI - IRS plans to audit 1 in 44 returns I don't usually pass along this kind of information, but it was very helpful to me. An accountant friend of mine emailed me
FYI - IRS plans to audit 1 in 44 returns I don't usually pass along this kind of information, but it was very helpful to me. An accountant friend of mine emailed me
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 18 : Why is kindness hard? You've probably notice this. In fact, I'm sure you have. With all the doom and gloom around, it's harder
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 18 : Why is kindness hard? You've probably notice this. In fact, I'm sure you have. With all the doom and gloom around, it's harder
Thursday 13 - Thirteen programs I actually use (and are free!) In the last six months, I've become a free software hound. It all started with a post about free software. My eyes were
Thursday 13 - Thirteen programs I actually use (and are free!) In the last six months, I've become a free software hound. It all started with a post about free software. My eyes were
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 17 : Some days. Some days, kindness comes easily. And other days, it's wicked hard to be kind, think of the other person, believe that everyone'
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 17 : Some days. Some days, kindness comes easily. And other days, it's wicked hard to be kind, think of the other person, believe that everyone'
The sky and the bird. "Recently I read a story of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the famous Tibetan Buddhist teacher. (....) ?One day he stood in front of the class and
The sky and the bird. "Recently I read a story of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the famous Tibetan Buddhist teacher. (....) ?One day he stood in front of the class and