Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 39 : Down in the ditch. "One can not hold another down in a ditch, without being in the ditch themselves. " --Cylithria Dubois Lately, I've been on
Reasons you might fail Reasons you might fail: 1. You run out of time 2. You run out of money. 3. You get scared. 4. You're not
How to never be wrong. This three minute video is specifies homosexuality, but you can apply it to all of the hate debates : health care, immigration, abortion, and well, fill
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 38 : What does it take? What does it take for you to be kind? No ideas today, only a question. Let me know what you think in the comments. -----
Stop telling stories. "Stop telling the convoluted stories you've concocted to rationalize why you should be afraid." --Rob Brezney This has been my mantra
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 37 : Goose poop hair. I've been learning to run. Three times a week, since May, I've laced up my running shoes and headed out with
We're back! We had a wonderful time on the trail! Rose was a trooper, of course. I'm not sure why, but there's so
Unconscious Mutterings on vacation this week Sorry folks, I asked Pea if I could have the prompts early, but no can do. I can't post them from the Colorado
On the trail.... I'm heading out today, Friday, for the Colorado Trail. In 2006, we quit our jobs and left our home to hike the 450
About Claudia (part five) Facts turned bullshit My parents were... odd. My mother suffered from bouts of paranoia and schitzophrenia. To treat her paranoia, she drank. A lot. My father dealt with
Simply Kind Tuesdays : Week 36 : The Princess and the Pea You remember the story - Prince wants a real princess for a wife. His mother tests out the potential bride by putting a pea under
Lesson of life photo by Kristin Smith He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear. Ralph Waldo Emerson Happy Monday!