My desktop "Twenty years from now you will more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
Maybe it's just me... Maybe it's just me, but I cannot celebrate someone's death. Even if he or she hated me. Even if he or
Simply Kind Tuesdays: Words Growing up around schizophrenics, like I did, I learned early how powerful one word can be. A single word could send my cyclic schizophrenic mother
Perfection "Do not seek perfection in a changing world. Instead, perfect your love." --Jack Kornfield My perfectionism is acting up again. I thought you
Review of TED : A new look at voter apathy Video Synopsis: Everyone knows how apathetic voters are. But ask yourself. Do you know anyone who's truly apathetic about issues? I know a
Traitors We've all heard the news stories. Corporations, supported by their employees the US Congress, pay no taxes. They rip resources from the country
Review of TED: Doing what matters with Jeff Skoll Ok, it's been a while. I've been immersed in the Queen of Cool. I'm still working out and still
Falling You probably don't know this about me, but I fall. A lot. When I was 24, I was in a car accident that
Aware "The aim of Life is to Live, and to Live means to be Aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely, Aware." - Henry James I
This is your life... I could not have said this better myself. This is your life - you don't get more of it. Use it well. -----
Fire Last night we decided to go to White Ranch Open Space to watch the supermoon rise over Denver. Excited about taking pictures, I found our