3 super ninja tricks to unstick your stuck serial fiction You've dedicated yourself and your blog space to your serial fiction and suddenly - you're stuck. Don't panic. Everyone
Walk to the edge of all the light Faith When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you
When you want it as much as you want to breathe. "You won't be successful until you want it as bad as you want to breathe." For most of my life, I&
Let your heart laugh! - The Laughing Heart - by Charles Bukowski your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. be on the
5 things a NYT bestselling author will tell you about publishing* Hey folks, Eisley James asked me to participate in her Independent Authors and Publishers series. You can check out the whole series here. Here'
Road to nowhere? I hope you have a lovely journey to no where today. For most people I know, tomorrow launches a new season of their life. It&
What will you exchange your life for? "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it." (Author Unknown ) Happy Monday! -----
Serial fiction? Serialized fiction? What? Serial fiction (def) : Serial fiction is the practice of publishing a portion of a work of fiction close to the time the fiction was written.
Haters never prosper! "Haters are afraid of change. If you don't have haters, you're not doing enough to change the status quo. Remember
Ah ha!! Finally proof! Middle children RULE! :) After all these years of telling you, you shouldn't be surprised when the experts at the Today show talk about the Secret power
On my mind today... "First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for
Are you waiting to be chosen? via GIPHY "The relentless brainwashing of our fading industrial economy has created an expensive misunderstanding. Creative people or those with something to say believe