New windows, new view Our home was built by hand in 1917 using a Sear's Craftsman plan and materials from throughout the west and mid-western United States.
Get your creative work off the Internet! In the last months, I've been up to my neck in... well, everything. Rather than go through a round of "where have
A brand new Stories by Claudia and some changes here. For the last six months or so, Super Steve and I have been working to create a better Stories by Claudia. I wanted a clean,
Clearing the sidewalks Today, there's probably seven inches of snow to be cleared, and my husband is out doing it. The husband is out clearing our
Questions for Claudia - round one I posted this to Facebook at the beginning of the month and forgot to share it here. If you have a question for me, please
Can you believe it? My books in iBooks! :) Here they are! My books at iBooks. It's hard for me to believe that I wrote all of these books, honestly. It'
Misdirected job search. For the last few days, I've been receiving email that says something like this: Presente.- Los saludos muy cordialmente, adjunto mi curriculum
Computer, my joy; Computer, my pain. Two weeks ago, my computer went kaput. Yes, almost literally. More than a million published words later, everything just stopped. Being the mature person that
A chance to say thanks to Cory Doctorow @doctorow I started this series of thank you posts just after Thanksgiving and then got swept away by the next Alex the Fey book. Now that
So it begins... Happy 2013! The new year begins with a new work calendar. I take down the tattered and torn 2012 calendar filled with the multicolored details of last
A chance to say thanks: Lawrence Lessig Recently, a few people have asked me who inspired me and encouraged me to move forward with my writing career. Since I'm up
A chance to say thanks: Seth Godin Photo by Janez Tolar Recently, a few people have asked me who inspired me and encouraged me to move forward with my writing career. Since