And some days, the best you can do is take photos of brownies...

1 min read

At the desk, 11:54 a.m.

Some days, I wake up on fire to move a story forward. I wait patiently through my morning workout and then WHAM, I'm at the desk, fingers flying.

And other days, like today, I wake up on fire to move a story forward and I need to take photos of brownies for the Denver Cereal Brownie Contest. Now, I am no photographer. I have a little Canon Powershot Camera that I bought because David Pogue told me too. The camera is all right - good enough for me - but will it be good enough for our food bloggers and other friends. Yeah, probably not.

I worked on this yesterday for an hour or so before getting frustrated. Last night, in the middle of the night, I gained some good ideas. Today, I tackled my brownie problem.

And I think I did an okay job.

Being an author in 2012 is fraught with stretching to do something you haven't ever done before. If I'm not taking pictures of brownies, I'm talking to internet strategy consultants or web tech guys or I'm reprogramming a website in the middle of the night or I'm trying to figure out why the feed isn't working or...

Yes, I have support. Yes, I have the best help I can possibly think of.

But in the middle of the night when someone has hacked my site, it's my turn to fix it.

And certainly, when I bake the brownies, I need to take the photos. That's just how it works.

I try to accept these hours and days for what they are. There's no cheating or skirting the issue. Some things just have to be taken care of. Soon, I'll be back to sitting at my desk, fingers flying across the keys like a mad woman!

I just need to get this done right now.
