Alex the Fey talks... Spec Ops

2 min read

Readers have asked, wondered, emailed, chatted, tweeted questions for Alex. For the next couple months, Alexandra Hargreaves will guest post on this blog to answer your questions. If you have a question you'd like Alex to answer, feel free to email her at: AlexandraHargreaves at gmail dot com.

Special Operations (Spec Ops) vs. Special Forces

I've been asked why I use the term Special Forces rather than Special Operations.

I grew up with the concept of "Special Forces." I grew up around Green Berets. Steve Pershing, my sensei, was a Green Beret.  My father was in a soldier, trainer, and leader in Special Forces. Almost every man who came for dinner at our house was a Special Forces soldier. (Trust me, they'd  have to be to survive my mother's cooking.)

Sure, people say Special Operations or Spec Ops now. Just to be clear, Special Operations is an all encompassing term that defines a nation's specialized units. That means any operation which requires trained and specialized personnel is a Spec Ops. It also means that every police force, sheriff's department, and probably even the Guardian Angels has a Spec Ops group.

To me, using a term like Spec Ops takes the focus away from the men and women who work, train, and risk their lives to complete non-traditional missions. Using the term, Special Operations focuses on the operation rather than the people. And frankly, I don't like that.

I know it's old school, but I'm going to use the term Special Forces. I am a Special Forces soldier; my team is filled with Special Forces soldiers.  We complete Special Operations and missions. But first and foremost, we are a Special Force.

So maybe it's wrong or dumb or lazy or whatever. Maybe I should use the 'proper' term.

But my father doesn't. He believes in a Special Force, not a Special Operation. The difference is subtle, but to him, important.

And he's right.

That's about all I have to say about this issue. Next week, I'm going to let Wyatt Klaussen, MD, PhD, our twin expert, take the reins and talk about male female single zygotic twins.

>>>>>Alexandra Hargreaves is a fictional character created by Claudia Hall Christian for the Alex the Fey thriller series. Opinions expressed are that of Alexandra Hargreaves and may not reflect the opinions of the author or Cook Street Publishing.
